This is the story of graduate of RSMU Preventive health Faculty 2004, the Northern Fleet chief hygienist Grigory Poznishev:

- I am a native of Ryazan and having the desire to become a doctor I chose Ryazan State Medical University. Like most applicants who dreamt of becoming doctors I wanted to apply to the General medicine Faculty. In June 1998 I came to the admission committee to submit my documents. On this day in the Preventive health department building I met two wonderful people, Professor A.A. Lyapkalo and Professor G.I. Stuneeva, who told me about preventive medicine in general and about the Preventive health Faculty. My decision to apply to this faculty was made without a second thought. I never regretted my choice. The brilliant teaching staff helped me become a worthy specialist.

Graduation time was approaching and I desired to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the field of hygiene, joining the ranks of the military of the Russian Federation. In 2004 I joined the Northern Fleet State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center. Coming from an officer’s family and carrying on the family traditions I became an officer of the Russian Federation Armed Forces in the beginning of 2005. I served in various hygiene-related positions in the Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Northern Fleet.

For the past 15 years I have been dealing with the issues of maintaining and strengthening the health of military personnel, paying great attention to military hygiene and supervision on ships and in the coastal parts of the Fleet.

Now I live in Murmansk. I am the head of the Sanitary and Hygienic Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance center of the Northern Fleet and the Chief Hygienist of the Northern Fleet.

Dear friends, future Preventive Health specialists - respect the Preventive health Faculty and the chosen profession. It is infinitely interesting, beautiful and extremely important. Improve your specialty knowledge. As you know, prevention is much better than cure and according to the prominent surgeon N.I. Pirogov: “Medicine of the future is preventive medicine”!